About UsServicios De Esperanza prides itself on having culturally diverse clinicians sensitive to individual and family needs providing non-traditional appointment times, bilingual services (in both English and Spanish) and flexible locations. Our therapeutic approach is solution focused and strength-based, working towards reaching your personal goals. Whether you're struggling with a particular issue, or just can't shake the feeling that there should be more to life, we can help. We provide a caring and sensitive environment in which you can identify and explore those issues that may be getting in the way of a healthy and positive lifestyle.
Sobre de NosotrosServicios De Esperanza se enorgullece de tener una diversidad cultural médicos sensibles a las necesidades individuales y familiares que proporcionan momentos no tradicionales de citas, servicios bilingües (en Inglés y Español) y lugares flexibles. Nuestro enfoque terapéutico es la solución de concentrado y basado en las fortalezas, trabajar hacia el logro de sus metas personales. Si usted está luchando con un tema en particular, o simplemente no se puede evitar la sensación de que no debe haber más en la vida, podemos ayudarle. Ofrecemos un ambiente cariñoso y sensible en el que se puede identificar y explorar las cuestiones que pueden conseguir en el camino de una vida sana y positiva.
Main Office:
8 W. Walton Ave. Muskegon, MI 49440 |
Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 1588 Muskegon, MI 49443 |
CARF International announced that Servicios de Esperanza, LLC has been accredited for a period of three years for its Outpatient Treatment: Alcohol and Other Drugs/Addictions (Adults), Outpatient Treatment: Alcohol and Other Drugs/Addictions (Children and Adolescents), Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health (Adults), Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health (Children and Adolescents). programs. This is the first accreditation that the international accrediting body, CARF, has given to Servicios de Esperanza, LLC